Getting Started

Getting Started using Nuxt

The UploadThing Nuxt module makes it super easy to get started with uploading in Nuxt apps. It is a wrapper around @uploadthing/vue and the H3 backend adapter.

Check out a full example here (opens in a new tab)

Using standalone Vue without Nuxt? Checkout the standalone example here (opens in a new tab)

Package Setup

Install the packages

npm install uploadthing @uploadthing/nuxt

Add env variables

NUXT_UPLOADTHING_SECRET=... # A secret key for your app (starts with sk_live_)
# 🖕 NUXT_ prefix is **important**

If you don't already have a uploadthing secret key, sign up (opens in a new tab) and create one from the dashboard! (opens in a new tab)

Initialize the Uploadthing module

Add the @uploadthing/nuxt module to your nuxt.config.js file:

export default {
  modules: ["@uploadthing/nuxt"],
  uploadthing: {
     * Path to your router definition file
     * @default `~/server/uploadthing.ts`
    routerPath: "",

You can set some module options in the uploadthing property of your nuxt.config.js file:

 * See
 * for more information about the `RouteHandlerConfig` options.
export type ModuleOptions = Omit<
  "uploadthingSecret" | "uploadthingId"
> & {
   * Path to your router definition file
   * @default `~/server/uploadthing.ts`
  routerPath?: string;
   * Your UploadThing secret key
   * @default `process.env.NUXT_UPLOADTHING_SECRET`
  secret?: string;
   * Your UploadThing app ID
   * @default `process.env.NUXT_UPLOADTHING_APP_ID`
  appId?: string;

Set Up A FileRouter

All files uploaded to uploadthing are associated with a FileRoute. The following is a very minimalistic example, with a single FileRoute "imageUploader". Think of a FileRoute similar to an endpoint, it has:

  • Permitted types ["image", "video", etc]
  • Max file size
  • (Optional) middleware to authenticate and tag requests
  • onUploadComplete callback for when uploads are completed

To get full insight into what you can do with the FileRoutes, please refer to the File Router API.

It is import you export the router as uploadRouter and the inferred type as UploadRouter for the module to pick up your router and it's types.

import type { H3Event } from "h3";
import { createUploadthing } from "uploadthing/h3";
import type { FileRouter } from "uploadthing/h3";
const f = createUploadthing();
const auth = (ev: H3Event) => ({ id: "fakeId" }); // Fake auth function
// FileRouter for your app, can contain multiple FileRoutes
export const uploadRouter = {
  // Define as many FileRoutes as you like, each with a unique routeSlug
  imageUploader: f({ image: { maxFileSize: "4MB" } })
    // Set permissions and file types for this FileRoute
    .middleware(async ({ event }) => {
      // This code runs on your server before upload
      const user = await auth(event);
      // If you throw, the user will not be able to upload
      if (!user) throw new Error("Unauthorized");
      // Whatever is returned here is accessible in onUploadComplete as `metadata`
      return { userId: };
    .onUploadComplete(async ({ metadata, file }) => {
      // This code RUNS ON YOUR SERVER after upload
      console.log("Upload complete for userId:", metadata.userId);
      console.log("file url", file.url);
} satisfies FileRouter;
export type UploadRouter = typeof uploadRouter;

Upload some files!

Just mount one of our components in your app and start uploading files!

<script setup lang="ts">
const alert = (msg: string) => {
        endpoint: 'imageUploader',
        skipPolling: true,
        onClientUploadComplete: (file) => {
          console.log('uploaded', file);
          alert('Upload complete');
        onUploadError: (error) => {
          console.error(error, error.cause);
          alert('Upload failed');
        endpoint: 'imageUploader',
        skipPolling: true,
        onClientUploadComplete: (file) => {
          console.log('uploaded', file);
          alert('Upload complete');
        onUploadError: (error) => {
          console.error(error, error.cause);
          alert('Upload failed');

For component API reference, refer to the React API reference. Framework specific docs will be added soon.

Custom flows with the useUploadThing composable

If the premade components don't fit your needs, you can use the useUploadThing to create your own custom components.

<script setup lang="ts">
const alert = (msg: string) => {
const { startUpload } = useUploadThing("videoAndImage", {
  onClientUploadComplete(res) {
    console.log(`onClientUploadComplete`, res);
    alert("Upload Completed");
        async (e) => {
          console.log(`e`, e);
          const file = ( as HTMLInputElement).files?.[0];
          if (!file) return;
          // Do something with files
          // Then start the upload
          await startUpload([file]);